User Interface (UI)

User Interface (UI)

The term “ user interface” (UI) refers to how a person interacts with an application or website. The user interface includes the visual components that people see on a computer screen, such as icons, menus, and images, and how a person clicks, drags, or types on a computer keyboard or touchscreen.

Engagement Rate (ER)

Engagement Rate (ER)

In a nutshell, engagement rate is a digital marketing metric that measures the number of interactions a particular content has received. Generally, the engagement rate is usually calculated according to the total number of mentions/tweets a brand has received—the frequency with which the brand posts new information and the average time users spend on its pages.

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Responsive web design is a method for developing websites that can adapt to the device or screen they’re being viewed on. It doesn’t matter if the viewer is on a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone—the content of the site will be shown on that device in the best way possible, without requiring the user to zoom in or out or click links to different pages. Responsive design is a popular alternative to creating multiple sites optimized for different devices, and the best part of responsive sites is that they’re easier to maintain.

Dynamic Content

Dynamic Content

When you design a website, you want to give people exactly what they are looking for. But how do you make sure that your website is relevant to their needs? Dynamic content is the way to do it. Dynamic content is content that changes based on a database of information.

Lead Nurturing

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is a step beyond lead generation, focusing on nurturing the leads you already have. This process is done through customized marketing strategies, which are based on individual customer needs and interests. The goal is to get the leads to move from one stage to another without becoming disengaged.

Landing Page

Landing Page

A landing page is a single web page with the sole purpose of converting visitors into customers. That means that a landing page is made specifically to drive conversion, usually through a form of lead generation. If a visitor arrives on a landing page and doesn’t convert, the page is considered a waste of time and money. But that’s why you build A/B tests; to figure out what converts best.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a marketing term used to describe a process where you change elements on a web page to improve its performance in terms of converting visitors into leads, customers, or whoever it is that you want your website to convert. It’s vital for business sites looking to sell more products and services using their digital presence. It’s a practice that’s also utilized a lot in the lead generation industry.

Call-To-Action (CTA)

Call-To-Action (CTA)

Call-to-action is an essential digital marketing term that refers to any word, phrase, or image that prompts a visitor to take action. While call-to-action is a broad term, it is generally associated with calls to action at the end of advertisements. (For example, the words “Learn More” or “Click Here” could be a call to action.)