Lead Nurturing

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is a step beyond lead generation, focusing on nurturing the leads you already have. This process is done through customized marketing strategies, which are based on individual customer needs and interests. The goal is to get the leads to move from one stage to another without becoming disengaged.

Outbound Marketing

Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing is a type of marketing that involves advertising. Outbound marketing is the process of trying to convince people to buy your product or service. Inbound marketing is the opposite, trying to get people to come to you without you having to do any active marketing. Outbound Marketing is any marketing that’s NOT inbound marketing.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing

A lot of people talk about inbound marketing, but few can define it to your satisfaction. At its core, it is the art of attracting—and keeping—prospective clients by providing them with valuable, helpful, and useful information. The most significant difference between inbound and outbound marketing is that instead of promoting your products through email blasts, website ads, and other direct marketing strategies, you are creating content that is valuable to and engages your target audience.